Meet Donna Hollinshead | Soul Nourishment Coach, Akashic Record Consultant, Yoga Instructor, Creative maker of Art and wearables via ShoutoutLA

Meet Donna Hollinshead | Soul Nourishment Coach, Akashic Record Consultant, Yoga Instructor, Creative maker of Art and wearables via ShoutoutLA

We had the good fortune of connecting with Donna Hollinshead and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Donna, what are you inspired by?
I am inspired by being alive and the magnificence of all life. So many things inspire me, here are a few of my favorites: LOVING CREATING COLOR SHARING SPIRIT TRAVEL NATURE babies, children, laughter, friends, painting, playing the simple beauty of nature flowers blooming, the smell of Lilacs the vibrant colors of springtime the deep green, Pisgah forest in summer, water, creeks, streams, waterfalls. the ocean Sunrise, especially at the ocean, Sunset, anywhere and especially on the top of a mountain or at the ocean the smell and sound of Autumn leaves Walking at night when it is snowing dancing music listening meditation the night sky and stargazing supporting and witnessing people expanding and recognizing how amazing they truly are GIVING AND RECEIVING WITH ALL LIFE.

Read the full article here!